Following documents/information are required for issuance of Birth Certificate:

  • Full Name of Father and Photo Copy of National Identity Card No.

  • Name of Child

  • Sex of Child either Male of Female

  • Place of Birth, Date and Hour

  • Name of Hospital/Clinic and Doctor/midwife who attended the delivery (attested photo copy required)

  • Name and address of Mother and her National Identity Card No. or Nationality

  • Religion, Caste and Nationality of the Father

  • Place of Residence and address of Father

  • Occupation/Profession of the Father.

  • Name and Address of the Person Making Report.

  • Date of Report

Following documents are required for issuance of Death Certificate:

  • Name and Surname of the Deceased and his/her nationality

  • Name of Husband/Father/Mother

  • Occupation/Profession of the Deceased

  • Address of the Deceased

  • Religion, Sex and Caste of the Deceased

  • Date, time and cause of death

  • Age of Deceased

  • Name and Address of the Person Making Report.

  • Date of Report.

  • Name and Address of the Person Making Report.

  • Date of Report

  • Scrutinize the status of applications, regarding completion of formal procedure and issue of demand notices accordingly.

  • Receipt of water connection fee from the consumers as per demand notice.

  • Execution of formal water supply agreement in between the property owner and the Authority.

  • Documents required for water supply agreement.

  • Water supply agreement form.

  • Form A-3 along with its enclosures.

  • Copy of NIC of the applicant

  • Copy of allotment letter.

  • Copy of possession letter.

  • Copy of approval plan.

  • Copy of sewerage fee, road cut fee, water connection fee etc.

  • Issue of material for water connection like clamp, bend tee, pipe, gate valve, etc. and its endorsement on stock register.

  • Endorsement in ledger register to award ledger number.

  • Physical provision of water connection on ground.

  • Forwarding the water supply agreement documents to revenue documents CDA for water billing etc.

  • Application to O.W.O on form A-3.

  • Confirmation of ownership by Estate Management Directorate, CDA.

  • Clearance of outstanding dues with Estate Management Directorate.

  • Payment of construction charges to Estate Management Directorate.

  • Confirmation of water borne pipeline by Water Supply Division-V.

  • Payment of road cutting repair charges to concerned Road Division.

  • Payment of sewerage fee to Maintenance Division-III (SB).

  • Completion of caudal formalities of Water Meter Division.

Any one who encounters any of the emergencies listed below, can call on Universal Access Number 1122 at C.A.R.E.S Center, Capital Hospital

  • Road Traffic Accident

  • Gunshot and Bomb Blast

  • Burns

  • Stroke

  • Acute Cardiac Problems

  • Acute Respiratory Problems

  • Loss of consciousness or unresponsiveness

  • Diminished consciousness or mental confusion

  • ASevere alcohol/other drug intoxication

  • Any other problem putting the life of the patient at risk. It dispatches its nearest Medics Unit to reach the site of call within 7 minutes and transport the patient to nearest hospital, providing necessary emergency treatment, at same time.

  • Application to Director M.A,CDA. Download Related Application Form here

  • Affidavit

  • Copy of NIC of the applicant

  • Copy of lease/rent agreement/ownership proof